Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 8: Your Zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality?

Okay, well, my Zodiac sign is Gemini. I know that. I can't say I know much about that, other than it has something to do with twins and maybe twin personalities (or just crazy, right?). I'm not a real Zodiac believer. Sure, every now and then it's fun to look at them in a magazine, but since I rarely read magazines beyond the Ensign, Family Fun and the occasional National Geographic, I just don't check my Zodiac often and don't really pay too much attention when I do. So, I had to research a bit. I thought this would be a simple google search, but oh my gosh! There's so much stuff on Zodiacs! Way more than I ever wanted to know. Here's the simplest description I could find...and it was not simple to find it:

Talkative ("a Gemini is born with a telephone in each hand!"), communicative, sociable; loves to interact with others (at least on a superficial level); unemotional, impersonal, ruled by "rationality"; requires great mental stimulation, curious to a fault; playful, the Trickster, the Devil's Advocate; changable, inconstant, attention easily drifts to something new, seeks novelty.

Talkative....who me? I am this to a fault...a big fault!

Communicative....nope. I am horrible at communicating! Talking and communicating are not the same thing and I recognize that! least I used to be. Now a days, sometimes it's just easier on me to be anti-social. Boo.

Loves to interact with others....yup...but see above.

Unemotional...What? I'm a girl, of course I'm emotional!, I hope not.

Ruled by rationality...nope...I'm not rational!! Okay, but some things just make sense and should be done that way. So maybe I am.

Requires great mental stimulation...sometimes.

Curious to a fault...check

Playful...I used to be. :(

The trickster...maybe, I'm not telling.

The Devil's advocate....oh yeah, different is good, right?

Changeable....didn't use to think so, but now I do.

Inconstant....does this mean that I'm fickle? Because, yeah.

Attention easily drifts to something new...totally!

Seeks novelty....definitely

Well, what can I say? I think most of those were pretty good at describing me. Oh man, Geminis are a mess. I guess I am a Gemini after all.


Unknown said...

That's why I like you since I am a Gemini too:)

lindseyfrancom said...

haha! I'm also a Gemini! My sister is a huge believer in this. Whenever I say anything about anybody's personality she starts analyzing it with their Zodiac sign!

Melissa said...

I had to laugh when I was reading are totally a Gemini! Just remembering things from elementary, middle and highschool....Cyndi you are fabulous!