Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 29: If you had three wishes....

1. I wish, like I always do and always have, that we could move somewhere that an ocean is nearby. I can't remember not wanting to live near the ocean....and really, I don't need a warm tropical kind of ocean or even a beach, just an ocean. I truly, truly love the ocean. I know we just went to Cali in March, but I miss the ocean already. It lifts my spirits. It calms me. It makes me happy. It makes me feel like I'm home.

2. I wish we didn't owe money to anyone. I really have no desire to be wealthy but I wish we had enough money to really get by better. This year has been so tough financially on top of everything else. We've had one thing after another of unexpected and inconvenient things to pay for and we still have a major list of repairs just waiting for more time and money. Thank heavens that Ben finally has a dependable job where we can count on a regular paycheck. That's something new for us but a very great blessing indeed. But can I make a wish within a wish? Can nothing else go wrong that will cost us more money? Like for example, can that squealing noise from my car just go away because I'm trying really, really hard to ignore it because I know we can't afford any repairs. Pretty please?

3. The thing I wish for more than anything is that we could have another baby. Another baby could never replace Gabriel, but I know it would be healing for our whole family to have something to hope for. Every prayer my little ones say includes asking for a new baby. I wish with all of my heart that I could give that to them. Baby loss + subsequent infertility=pure torture. 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Pure torture is exactly it!!!!