Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 22: Describe Your Dream Vacation

Um, my dream vacation to anywhere would always include this:Isn't that just the most beautiful thing ever? Okay, I'm obsessed with the ocean, so of course my dream vacation would be to go to the ocean. Now, I know that's not specific enough because there's a lot of ocean out more specifically, I would love to go to Australia, New Zealand, & all of the Polynesian Islands....yep, every one. Before I go though (ha ha like I'm ever really going to get to go, right?) , I need to learn to scuba dive because there just happens to be this tiny little reef...or maybe a great one...that looks like this:
...and that's gotta be one of the most amazing things to see in the world.

Oh and when we stop in Bora Bora, we're totally staying here:Can you even imagine?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

sign me up....I think it looks like paradise.