Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So this morning I thought it would be a brilliant idea to dump a bunch of the sod from where I've been working on Gabriel's garden into the garbage can before the garbage man came. I then thought it more brilliant to try and roll a now 300 pounds of garbage through the yard to the curb....I didn't make it far. Yep, the garbage can fell over and me with it, pinning my entire foot underneath. Lovely. Sweet little Lex just looked on from the swing helplessly as I called for Skylar to help and then realized Sky was inside & I was on my own, which then led to me yanking my now throbbing foot out from under the wreckage. I do have to admit that within seconds my foot turned the most beautiful hues of blue I've ever seen in a bruise, so that's a bonus, but oh the pain!! I somehow managed to get myself to the swing and texted Ben. Yes, texted, so that he could now mock me for my lack of ability to hold a conversation on the phone...but then again by this point, I was crying in pain and not thinking if I was in the first place. Ben came to the rescue and came home, got the garbage to the curb, and me to Instacare. My hero!

I'm sure Instacare is getting to know us pretty well at this point...we've been there 4 times since the end of May...3 times for x-rays now....but no broken bones! Yay! Let's just call our family super duper coordinated.Here's Lex with her busted arm from a few weeks ago. She just feel down while walking, so no biggie, but wouldn't use it at all...even to suck her thumb, so we knew something was up. It was a bad sprain, but not broken! She still favors it sometimes if she has to put any pressure to hold herself up. Poor girl.
Here's Kade with his busted finger that he got last week. He smashed it with a mallet playing with his friend's dad's tools. He then was worried that he'd get in trouble so didn't tell anyone until much later when it was hugely swollen to double its size. Off to Instacare we went. Not broken, but it still is totally swollen and black and blue. Sad. He's not planning on playing with mallets anymore.
And here's the lovely. My foot. Didn't I say I would never post a picture of this monstrosity in a public place? Good thing it's mostly covered, but see?...super ugly toes. Ugh. So now that I'm off the foot for a week I guess I'll finally find the time to upload some pics of the fun of summer. Stay tuned.


lindseyfrancom said...

OH MAN, what a summer! How unlucky is all this... now you just need to get Skylar and Nick there! SOrry to hear, and really if you need any help with kids or food, let me know. I am more than happy. In fact send them over tomorrow if they want to in the morning to play!

William Jordan said...

Hey there wonderful daughter-in-law! If your page "Our Fantastic Four...Plus One More" doesn't show you all the best reasons to be happy you need to read it again and list the blessings found there! You have more happy reasons there than most and those kids are on the top of the list with Ben to love you. Keep counting and smile gratefully with each item you count! Then share your joy with the family. Love you always, Grandpa