Saturday, October 6, 2012

Dance Festival

 The morning of my birthday started out with the kids' dance festival. I honestly didn't want to go and face people the next day after finding out that our little Reese was gone. I'm glad I went to support my kiddies though. They're too cute and these moments are going by too quickly. I was thankful for the friends that were there that knew what I was going through and came to give me a hug. It made the morning much easier.
The kindergartners danced to Good Ship Lollypop from the 1930's. Awww, sometimes I forget Kade is still a little kid until he does things like this....
The second grade danced to some song from the 1950's. We can't for the life of us remember which one.  We got only one picture of Nick. Dang. We promise we love him!!
The 4th graders danced to the Hustle from the 1970's. Skylar, who usually LOVES every minute of dancing, thought this dance was soooooo boring! I just had to smile at how unenthusiastic she was. She still did awesome!
It's so fun to see the kids do their dances. They look forward to this every year. I'm glad I was able to go see them shake their stuff!

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