Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Baby No More!

So here's McKade in time-out for the first time! I usually don't start the time-outs until my kids are 18 months old but he's close enough and definitely deserved it. He slapped Nick right across the face!! Of course, Nick was breaking one of McKade's "rules" and cuddling with me. That is something Kade will not tolerate and he let it be known! I don't know what to do with my boys! Lately, they fight like crazy and it's driving me a little crazy. I expected sibling rivalry but it's a little out of control with those two. Nick is always upset with Kade playing with his toys and McKade simply can't handle any association of Nick with his momma. Hopefully we'll figure it all soon and they learn that they can be best buds instead of fighting. But I'm kind of afraid that many time-outs are heading our way. At least they always end with a hug!!!!

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