Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day of Preschool!

Tuesday was Nick's first day of preschool! He was soooo excited!!! He is taking it from a lady that is in the neighborhood next to ours. My friend, Angie's cute twin boys, Caden and Carsen, are taking it there too and Nick thinks they are about the coolest kids on Earth. He calls it the "Caden Carsen preschool". He has been asking everyday for weeks when he was going to get to start. He had such a great day and really loved it! Wednesday was also Nick's first day of preschool! Confused? So were we! There is a preschool at our Elementary school that Nick was given the opportunity to be in. The great thing about it was that it was free!! The bad thing was that it is the same amount of time as kindergarten-everyday of the week for 3 hours!! While some may think that sounds great, I was not too excited about it. Nick is still just so little. I wasn't ready for him to be gone so long and I don't think he's ready for it either, especially since he still really needs a nap every afternoon. He was not at all happy about going to the school preschool. He wanted to be with his buddies and he kept saying, "But Mom, you'll miss me!!" So true!! Anyway, I decided to at least try it and so he went on Wednesday. He said it was okay but he wasn't nearly as excited about it as the other one.

We didn't do preschool with Skylar-just Joy School. Skylar was one of those kids that knew all her ABC's and 123's by 3 and was ready to read at 4. Nick is completely opposite! He is way more interested in the temperature on Pluto or the amazing abilities of each and every superhero. Just this morning he was looking at a Superhero book and Kade asked him who a guy was and he replied " That's Red Skull. He fights Captain America." What? I've never even heard of him. But ask Nick which letter is L is and he could care less. The only letters he really cares about are X for X-men and T for Teen Titans. Silly kid! Ben and I haven't been to concerned because we know he's a smart kid but his interests just lie in different places, which is fine. Anyway, we did decide to do an academic preschool so that he could have some more exposure before starting kindergarten next year. I want the whole academic thing to be positive for him and I want him to be happy about it from the beginning.

So, anyway, after me losing much sleep over the whole issue and stressing out half of this week, we have decided to stick with the first preschool. We are also doing Joy School again and I felt like I had an obligation to my friends that I do Joy School with, to stick with it. We couldn't possible do both Joy School and the school's preschool. That would beyond too much! Plus, I love Joy School and the time I get to spend with my kids learning about the joys of life! After finally deciding last night, already I feel so much better than I have all week and Nick is ecstatic that he gets to go to the Caden Carsen preschool! I hope he has a great year and above all, has fun! That's what a being a kid is all about!!!


angie said...

oh Cyndi- he is just so darn cute!

Beck said...

I cant believe you are bummed your preschooler is gone the same amount of time as your kindergardner. :) You are a rare breed Cyndi that is too cute. And Im so jealous its free! Thats awesome! It is so crazy how kids grow up. it happens fast. I remember my Mom always telling her friends that about me and thinking she was so cheesy. Now look at me! haha!

AmShaZam said...

I agree- he is too little to be going to preschool! They grow up too fast.