Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Alexis Lou!!

Happy Birthday to our sweet and full of sass, Little Miss Alexis!! This girl is truly the greatest gift and has brought so much joy to us in the last four years, which have been our hardest. Everyday I am so thankful for the happiness she brings to our home with her happy & fun-loving little personality. She may seem shy to most, but she's actually has the major gift of gab and is always goofing around and making us smile and laugh. She truly wears a smile that can make me want to sing. We love you our sweet angel baby girl!!!

Here's Alexis's song, Angel, by Jack Johnson:

Of course she knows this song by heart because we've sung it to her since she was born. The sweetest thing is when she sings, "We share the same soul, oh oh oh oh." Talk about melting your heart.

P.S. This beautiful girl of mine is my thankful of the day & every day!! 

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