Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 10: St. George and Home Again

Since we decided not to take them up on their offer to stay at their house with our 2 am arrival, we went over to our friends, Lisa and Brinton's house in the morning. It was so great to visit with them. We always have a good time. Lisa made us a delicious lunch and the kids played to their hearts content. I didn't actually take any pictures because the camera was packed away and Lisa was snapping some. We had so much fun that we totally made the Frisbys late for church. We decided to get out of their hair and on our way. When we got home we were saddened to see snow all over the mountains and dark gloomy clouds. Remind me again of why we live here? I guess it's so that we can have awesome vacations to California!

1 comment:

ohana=)mama said...

Wow you guys should be all traveled out by now!