Our neighbors gave us their old swingset so the kids had a blast all week playing on it. We made them cookies on Monday night to thank them. That was pretty fun and the cookies turned out really yummy-of course that's because I didn't make them!
The next day or so were just normal and uneventful and then came Thursday morning. I woke up with a major migraine. Thursdays are my errand days-I take the kids to the library and then run crazy for the next hour or so until I have to pick up Skylar from school. Anyway, errand for the day: doctor for McKade-meaning a shot and tears, etc., etc. I wasn't too happy for the day to begin. But begin it did. I dropped Skylar off at school and then went to the gas station to get a Dr. Pepper (part of my get-rid- of migraine routine). As I pulled in, I was hit by another car pulling away from the gas tank! So I am about to pass out at this time from my head pounding and then this. We weren't hit hard and the boys and I were fine but our car was a little banged up on the side. The guy that hit me was really nice but Latino and with the pounding in my head, I honestly couldn't understand him. I called Ben to come over to the gas station to help me out with the whole thing and to translate. I felt awful at this point because I didn't want the guy to think I was racist or something. I'm totally not-I've dated guys from all over South America and some of my closest friends are Latino. Anyway, Ben came and the cops came and he was declared at fault. But he doesn't have insurance on his car because he was in the process of getting it repaired. So, for us to fix the car, we will have to pay $500 for the deductible. Awesome!!! By the way, I think this is the 10th (at least!) time I've been in an accident in the last 15 years. I promise I'm not a bad driver-I've never been at fault!!! I think I have some kind of sign that says "HIT ME!" that follows me around-maybe like that Arby's thing floating above my head or something!! If you ever see it, please ignore it!! So, here's the damage: not bad, but bad enough
Anyway, I don't want to be such a pessimist but needless to say the rest of the week has not been too great with other events I won't go into detail about right now-this post is long enough already! We did have our friends the Tongs stop by on Friday and the Meyers over on Saturday to play games and it was fun to just chill with them. We needed some chill time!! Here's a cute picture of McKade & Amy-finally at the age they begin playing together. They're both a little dazed because it was about 10 pm but sooooo adorable. Speaking of adorable, Q-Tip has totally won me over!!! Isn't he a cutie?
Cyndi!! I can't believe that someone hit you again! I am glad you are not hurt... and sorry about the migraines. Please call me if you need to just have a dark, quiet time and I'll come get your kids to play over here!
How great to see you on here!!!! I can't believe how much q-tip looks like our little sumo! what breed is yours? ours is a siamese lynx point... so much fun! i love kittens!
it looks like things are going well for you guys! it great to find more blogging friends! does adrienne have one too?
keep in touch! :)
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