Thursday, February 9, 2012

18 months

Yesterday we were out and Alexis pointed out the sunset. She said, "Look Mom! It's a beautiful one tonight!" She was right. It was:We got in the car and drove for about a minute and the kids started saying how the sunset was already gone and the clouds had just gotten dark. I told them that sunsets are fleeting and then I explained what the word fleeting you have to take it in & really be in awe of it during the short time it's here. My little five year old, Kade, so wise beyond his years, said, "Just like our Gabriel."

18 months ago today our lives were changed forever when we found out that Gabriel's plans were different than ours and that he had already returned home to our Heavenly Father.
It seems like only a moment ago but at the same time a lifetime ago. We miss him every single day but are thankful every single day that he is ours forever and that forever is definitely not fleeting.


Abby said...


Laurie said...

I love that you make sweet Gabriel part of every aspect of your daily family life. I can't imagine how difficult the last 18 months have been, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.