Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fieldtrip Fun!

Skylar came home from school one day so excited about her upcoming field trip and telling me how badly she and her friends wanted me to be a chaperone. At first I felt flattered that they wanted me, but then she admitted that it was really because they all wanted to be together in the same group and if one of their moms came then they'd be allowed to. Oh well, I'll take what I get from my girl who is growing up so fast! In the end we had a few parents from "their group" come along but we still got to stick together. I arranged for babysitters for the littles (thanks babysitters!) and was glad that I could go along for a day of fun.

First we went to the Hutchings Museum in Lehi. I just barely heard about this museum a few months ago but apparently it's been there all along. It was pretty cool to see all of the different rooms they had. There was a lot of stuff in that place! Since their grade is learning about Utah history this year it was cool to learn about the different animals, rocks & minerals, dinosaurs, natives, and early history of the state.

Okay, sidenote.....I learned something of great importance to me on this fieldtrip! Did you know that there is such thing as Blue Topaz and that it is a substitute for November's birthstone? I did not!!! Now, all of you that know my weird thing about birthstones know that I have never wanted to have a baby in November because I am really looking forward to an amazing Mother's ring someday and the Citrine or yellow Topaz just doesn't go with the color scheme that my children have all pleasantly cooperated with.....blues, greens, white....which just happen to be my favorite colors. With this new information we can have a baby any time!! Ha ha!! I know I'm crazy, but it's always been something I've stressed about since we began this journey into parenthood. Now, of course, I'll take a baby any day of the year, but this new news gives me hope that just in case we had a baby show up in November, that mother's ring of mine is still in good shape! 
Anyway, the girls loved the dinosaur room the best because there was some hands-on stuff. They especially loved the fossilized dinosaur poop! Silly girls! 
 In the history room they got locked in the original jail cell at the Lehi Jail. I almost talked the guide into leaving them there.

We had lunch on the lawn outside the museum and one of the guides brought out a hawk. The kids loved it!
After the Hutchings Museum and lunch we headed over to the Thankgiving Point Museum.We only had like 45 minutes there which was not nearly long enough to see all there is to see. Of course the girls loved playing with the water and sand the most so that's where we spent most of our time!

I had a really fun day out with my Skylar and her fun friends! I know these days of her wanting me to be along with them are quickly coming to an end as she grows up! I want to take advantage of all the opportunities I can spend with her while I'm still considered somewhat cool. I know that's bound to change before long!!

P.S. Dear Blogger, not a fan of the new changes. My posts look ridiculous and I don't have the energy to figure it all out! Oh well!!!

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