Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pick-me Up

So I've been having one of those days. You know, those kind. I'm just feeling a little perplexed with life and all. In trying to motivate myself to do something, I decided to actually attempt to clean my desk off and ran across a stack of sticky notes. When our kids say funny things, like they always seem to do, we try to write them down. I actually started a new blog awhile back dedicated to their funny sayings. I haven't been too good about putting them on there but I've got plenty of material and maybe every now and then I'll get to it. Anyway, those cute little sayings on sticky notes always bring a smile to my face and the one I posted today made me laugh out loud at the memory. I needed a little pick-me up today. Maybe you do too:

1 comment:

Isaac said...

I wish there were more to read!!! So cute! Thanks.