Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Empire!

So it's pretty well known that Ben and I are super Star Wars nerds and today just happens to be the 30th Anniversary of the day that both of our favorites, Empire Strikes Back, came out. So tonight, as a family, we're watching it for movie night. I love this movie! It's got everything-comedy, tragedy, romance, action, drama, important lessons, awesome quotes,'s got Lando (swoon...that old smoothie). Even more so, I love that every one of my kids also love this movie. Skylar has all of her Princess Leia figures out on her lap, Nick has not stopped laughing since Yoda entered on the screen, Kade is totally intense about the bad guys (with his thumb plopped securely in his mouth), and Alexis has excitedly done a few "poppy" (popcorn) dances. Aren't times like this the best?


Ariane said...

I love those kinds of nights! Your kids are so cute.

Abby said...

It has been ages since I watched any of those movies. Do you think my kids would be too easily scared? They can't stand suspense all that well...And your kiddos look so cute. There are those priceless moments where everyone is happy doing the same thing that we should capture them and hold them dear for the times when things aren't going as smoothly.

Mindy said...

What fun parents! Isn't great when our kids share our loves. It's just the best. You guys are awesome!

Beck said...

I absolutely love this. Classic!!!!