Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer, Week 9-slipping away, slipping away

Last week we:
-Swung around in the backyard a bit.
-Went to see Hotel for Dogs at the Scera movies, which the kids declared the best movie!! I had a different opinion.
-Hit the library for story time & Skylar's last craft class. They made kites.
-Went to the park for playgroup.
-Had cousin, Katie, join us for the day and we went to the mall, out for lunch, and to the Museum of People and Cultures to learn about Africa! The kids got to speak some Bamanaka, play football the way the African kids do, and make some talking drums! Fun stuff!

-Watched this little girl grow a bunch as she discovered the Barbie house (oh no!), said (whispered) her first word-Bye! Bye!, began to finally hands and knees crawl, and pull herself to standing!! All in one week!

-Had a great Pioneer Day which will get it's own post!
-Hit the park for the Pioneer Day Primary activity and some adventures with the new beetles-yuck!

-Cleaned the church as a family. This was a pretty big job but we did it! I hope no one noticed all the tiny fingerprints and big streaks on those doors there.

-As a reward for such awesome cleaning, allowed the kids to have that long requested ice cream for dinner!! Could we be better parents!?


Grant and Stacy said...

I love Alexis's face by the doll house! She looks so much like Skylar, especially in that pic!

Beck said...

What a fun week. You guys rock as parents! Ice Cream for dinner? Nice! Growing up we would have a night where we had brownies and popcorn for dinner. It was always a treat. So it brings back my childhood memories. Great parenting girl!