We headed up AF canyon and went to the campground at Little Mill. We've never been there before and it was a beautiful, nice campground, although the camping spots were much too close for my taste. They were literally lined up in a row and I love those that are tucked away randomly with lots of privacy, especially since campgrounds tend to bring a few of those that think camping is all about the beer. Anyway, we were right by the river, which was amazing, and it was really pretty and we had a good time.
We got going a little late, as usual, and had the full intention of roasting hot dogs over the fire but decided to pick up a pizza instead. Pizza and camping just didn't seem politically correct to me, but I guess our kids were fed so it was all good. After we set up camp, we went for a walk up the trails a bit, made a fire, and then roasted marshmallows and had s'mores.
Alexis is the best camping baby! She just totally went with the flow and when it came time to go to sleep I just put her in her portacrib in the tent, walked out, and she just went to sleep. Kade used to be so difficult when he was a baby when we camped. He would cry and cry unless we were all in bed and even then, he'd pop up every few minutes throughout the night to see if we were still there. Alexis totally slept through the night and put him to shame! Ha ha.
We all slept relatively well for camping and woke up to some light rain hitting the tent about 8 am. I honestly think that's the latest we've ever slept in while camping. We started getting breakfast ready and the light rain turned into pounding rain. We ended up eating breakfast in and around the car. Since it didn't look like the rain was going to let up any time soon we decided to pack up before it got too bad. It's a good thing we did because it eventually turned into a downpour! Regardless of the rain, we had a blast and can't wait to go again soon!!
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