Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Weekly (or two) Wrap-up

So, there's been no weekly wrap-ups in awhile. I'd like to blame it on being busy but I think it's probably just more being lazy than anything. I've come to the realization that it's okay for me to be a bit lazy every once in awhile and in fact, it's kind of a New Year's resolution for me to make sure I'm getting some lazy time in. I work hard the rest of the time, so I think I deserve it. Of course, being the scheduler (with a touch of undiagnosed OCD) that I am, I will probably have to schedule this lazy time!
Anyway, the last few weeks have been filled with sick kids, getting the house back in order after the Christmas explosion, getting back into the grind of the every day life, dealing with the massive amounts of snow that we've been getting, and celebrating a gagillion birthdays that seem to always hit at the same time-(Happy Birthday everyone!). So it has been busy!
Last week Kade & I were able to join Nick & the Joy School crew for a field trip to the fire station. One of the kid's dad is a firefighter so we got the behind-the-scenes tour and full access to the trucks! I honestly don't believe that I have ever been to a fire station. It was awesome! The kids were so stoked to get to climb all over the firetruck and ambulance. It was really so much fun!
So I am usually not a big fan of the winter. So many people know this about me that they are surprised that Ben and I are still living in Utah. I don't just dislike the winter, I loathe it. Except....it's starting to grow on me. Well, this year at least. I think it is because this month has not been just filled with gross never-ending days of inversion and guck and hard icy snow. It has actually been snowing a lot-in fact, it is right now. This has been kind of nice. It's actually beautiful outside-our view of Mt. Timp is awesome! Also, with snow comes lots of sledding, which we are taking full advantage of this year. We've been a few times in the last couple of weeks and had so much fun! We are all definitely enjoying the big tube that we got. It's so much fun to fit our whole family on it-of course, I don't have any pictures of that-but believe me, we all fit on! I think the kids also love the fact that once they're all worn out, dad can pull them home! Anyway, as much as it hurts to say this, I'm actually beginning to enjoy the winter a little bit. Shhh! Don't tell anyone.

1 comment:

BBC said...

you guys look like you had so much fun! by the way... how do you get your photos to wrap together like that?